How to make Chicken and Brown Rice Soup

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Are you looking to make a dish that is simple and delicious? You’ve come to the right place! May we suggest that you try out this Chicken and Brown Rice Soup recipe. Does that sound good to you? Great! Let us begin.


Let us first get acquainted with the ingredients that you will need to make this dish.

.1 cup of cooked brown rice

.2 tablespoons of red curry paste

.100 ml of low fat coconut milk

.100 ml of low fat milk

.100 ml of water

.1 onion

.1 small piece of ginger

.1 tomato

.1 green capsicum

.1 carrot

.200 g of chicken

.3 kaffir lime leaves

.3 tablespoons of fresh coriander leaves
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Serving Size: 2 persons
Difficulty Level: Easy (1 out of 5)

Preparation process

  1. Heat up a pot. Once it is well heated add the curry paste as well as ginger and stir for 1 minute.
  2. Add your chicken, carrot, capsicum, tomato, water, milk and coconut milk and mix it well before bringing your mixture to a boil.
  3. After you have boiled your soup mixture, let it simmer until your chicken is cooked and your vegetable ingredients are soft. This may take about 10 minutes.
  4. Add your cooked brown rice as well as your kaffir lime leaves and coriander leaves to your soup and let it simmer for about 2 minutes.
  5. Once you have done so, your soup is now ready to be served while it is nice and hot.

Other Recipes

Besides this recipe, there are few other recipes that you can try. They include recipes for Sayur Lodeh, Onigiri, Singaporean Hokkien Mee, Char Kway Teow and many more. If any of those recipes interest you, do give them a try. Additionally, do keep a lookout for more recipes and other interesting content on our website in future. With that said, enjoy your meal.


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